Frequently Asked Questions

Infrared SAUNA FAQ

Are Infrared Saunas safe to use?
Yes!! Far infrared heat is a form of radiant energy. The sun is an example of the principal source of infrared radiant energy that we experience daily. All human bodies absorb, as well as emit, infrared radiant energy. Infrared Sauna heat emitters produce a specific bandwidth of radiant energy that matches the vibrational frequency of the human body. This process is also known as resonant absorption. No harmful UV rays are emitted.

What’s the difference between Infrared Saunas and Traditional Saunas?
Unlike traditional hot rock-based saunas that operate at well in excess of 200°F, infrared heat has the benefit of being effective at a much more comfortable temperature of 100°-150°F. Traditional saunas focus on heating the air as opposed to the body directly. This can make the experience uncomfortably hot and make breathing difficult rather than a pleasant detoxification and relaxation environment. Since infrared heat penetrates human tissue as opposed to simply heating the surface of the skin, infrared saunas are about seven times more effective than traditional saunas at detoxifying the body. By raising the body’s core temperature, infrared saunas can typically generate a sweat composed of 20% toxins vs. only 3% toxins in a traditional sauna. This equates to reduced inflammation in joints, helping to regenerate damaged tissues, increasing your metabolism. The increased core temperature also helps the immune system by weakening and killing bacteria, and viruses that are all susceptible to heat.


How long is each Infrared Sauna session?
A typical recommended session will be about 25 to 50 minutes in duration. However, several factors will influence how long to stay in an infrared sauna with the most important factor being how your body is reacting to the sauna session. You should always listen to your body, and you do not want to overdo it by staying in the sauna for too long. If you’re a newcomer to infrared saunas, you should try a lower temperature and end your first few sessions after only 15 to 25 minutes. It is recommended that you gradually increase the temperature and duration of your sessions. It is important to always pay attention to your body and ensure it’s not giving you any warning signs like feeling faint, dizziness, lightheadedness or general discomfort. If any of these warnings arise, you should end your session immediately and focus on rehydrating yourself. If you ever start to feel as though your body is giving you warning signals, pay attention to them.

What do I wear in the sauna?

We will provide you a towel to cover up with. We provide robes (please request one if desired at the front desk)

The following can be worn:

  1. A towel
  2.  loose cotton shorts/sports bra
  3. loose cotton caftan or kimono. Anything loose and organic cotton free of dyes.  Your exposed skin will sweat more freely than if it is covered.

Our saunas each have their own private curtain. We do recommend removing jewelry and glasses.

Are the saunas private?

You will have your own private sauna behind your own curtain.

Are phones allowed?

The sauna room is a no talking zone. No cell phone conversations allowed. There is Bluetooth (please ask the staff to help you connect)


Should I shower beforehand?

Please shower or wipe off. We ask that you please just be clean and dry when you enter the sauna and no shoes. Please make sure your feet are clean as well.

Do I have to drink water before using the Infrared Sauna?
Staying hydrated is very important and we highly recommend being well hydrated prior to using the Infrared Sauna. As the body heat increases and the body begins to sweat, the loss of water can change the electrolyte concentration and can have harmful effects. Furthermore, as the toxins are released through the sweat, they are, to a lesser extent, released in the body and hydrating helps the body flush them out. As a result, we recommend hydrating well before, during, and after your sauna sessions.

If I am taking prescription medications, can I use the Infrared Sauna?
Individuals who are using prescription drugs should seek the advice of their personal physician before scheduling a sauna session. There can be changes in a drug’s effects when the body is exposed to infrared waves or elevated body temperature. Diuretics, barbiturates, and beta-blockers may impair the body’s natural heat loss mechanisms. Anticholinergics such as amitriptyline may inhibit sweating and can bring on heat rash or heat stroke in more extreme situations. Some over-the-counter drugs, such as antihistamines, may also cause the body to be more prone to heat stroke.

Can children use saunas?

We do not allow children to use saunas. Teenagers of thirteen and older may use the sauna if they have consulted a doctor and have their parent’s written consent and may require parental supervision

Please keep in mind younger people’s core body temperature rises much faster than adults. This occurs due to a higher metabolic rate per body mass, limited circulatory adaptation to increased cardiac demands and the inability to regulate body temperature by sweating. For this reason, we do recommend the sauna be set to a lower temperature and the child use the sauna for no more than 15 minutes at a time.



Can the elderly use Infrared Saunas?
Yes. However, our ability to maintain core body temperature does decrease with age primarily due to circulatory conditions and decreased sweat gland function. In order to safely reap the benefits of the infrared sauna, the body must be able to activate its natural cooling processes and be able to maintain its core body temperature. If you are elderly, we will recommend operating the sauna at a lower temperature and for no more than 15 minutes at a time.

Can pregnant woman use an Infrared Sauna?
We do not allow it at our facility. There can be concerns and complications if a mother raises her core temperature too much while pregnant.

How often does the Infrared Sauna get cleaned?
The staff cleans the sauna diligently after every session. We use high quality, antimicrobial products to treat the sauna. The sauna will be very clean and sanitary for each session.


Does infrared heat interfere with implants (metal, silicone, etc.)?
Metal pins, rods, artificial joints or any other surgical implants typically reflect infrared waves and are not heated by the sauna. However, we do recommend you contact your physician prior to using the infrared sauna if there are any concerns.

Should I be concerned with the output of electromagnetic field (EMF) from the Infrared Sauna?
We offer the safest sauna available anywhere with Zero rated EMF far infrared carbon panel emitters. The Nano-Carbon infrared heating panels used are 97% efficient in producing the exact bandwidth of far infrared light/ heat that precisely matches the bio-frequency of the human body, which means maximum infrared energy absorption delivering more results in less time.

How does the Infrared Sauna detoxify the body?
When the infrared light penetrates the body and converts to heat, this heat can melt the fats holding the toxins and activate detoxification mechanisms which then purge the toxins through the skin. Many of the toxins include mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, and more.

Does the Infrared Sauna strengthen the Immune System?
Spending time in an Infrared Sauna can increase the body’s temperature several degrees and can further weaken sick or diseased cells, which have a lowered resistance to heat. The heat also initiates the production of white blood cells and NK (Natural Killer) cells which seek out these weakened cells and bacteria and kill them. This results in a strengthened immune system. In similar fashion, a fever is a natural way for the body to increase its temperature to kill off these cells.

Does the Infrared Sauna have any effect on pain?
There is anecdotal evidence where people who have used the sauna say that their pain is significantly reduced or even eliminated. However, a lot of the research on this subject is focused on inflammation and arthritis. We do know that when muscle fibers are heated, inflammation is reduced, and the joint and muscle pain is reduced.

Will the Infrared Sauna help me lose weight?
Research has shown that a 30-minute session in an Infrared Sauna can help a person to burn between 500-800 calories. Much of the weight that is lost directly in the sauna is water weight, which needs to be replenished with fresh water, but the calories that are burned will not be replenished with water and serve to increase a body’s metabolism. This increase in metabolism has many effects that help weight loss including increasing digestion function which efficiently converts the food you eat into energy.

How does the Sauna affect my Cardiovascular System?
There is research showing that the cardiovascular system is strengthened through repeated Infrared Sauna use. When the light penetrates the body and converts to heat, the hypothalamus responds and increases heart rate and volume. This is an effective way to train and condition the heart. The infrared light produces another effect which increases cardiovascular function. When the body increases heat, the fatty acids and cholesterols melt. Many of these fatty acids and cholesterols are hardening the arteries and keeping them from expanding and contracting as necessary for proper circulation. This hardening of the arteries causes the heart to work harder at circulating the blood and when the fatty acids and cholesterols melt, it increases the elasticity of the hardened arteries which takes much of the burden off the heart and, therefore, decreasing the chance for heart failure.

How does the Infrared Sauna affect my skin?
Research has shown, the Infrared Sauna has many salutary effects on the skin. Sebum is a waxy substance produced in the skin which can block pores and cause acne. Infrared light melts the sebum and unblocks the pores. Another effect the Infrared Sauna has is that it increases blood circulation to the skin which means that the body has the ability to deliver the necessary nutrients to the skin as well as remove the metabolic byproducts. The heat from the Infrared Sauna also has the detoxifying effect which purges the toxins from the skin as well as melts the cellulite trapped in pockets below the skin producing clean, smooth-looking skin. It also increases the healing of damaged tissues which causes scars and keloids to be reduced. You may also find some of the other effects on the skin are improvements with rashes, burns, eczema, and psoriasis.

Who shouldn’t use the Infrared Sauna?
Some conditions may be adversely affected using an Infrared Sauna. please consult with your physician before use if you have any of the following conditions: Adrenal suppression, SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematous), Multiple Sclerosis, Hyperthyroidism, Hemophilia, acute joint injuries, enclosed infections (dental, joints, tissue), artificial joints, metal pins, or any other implants, or during menstrual cycle. If at any point during your session in the Infrared Sauna you stop sweating, your skin becomes clammy, you feel weak, tired or nauseous, please leave the sauna immediately.



Exposing the body to extremely low temperatures within the cryotherapy chamber alerts your brain to pump more blood to your internal organs which causes vasoconstriction – in layman’s terms this means your blood vessels constrict causing your blood pressure to increase. As you exit the chamber, vasodilation happens which reverses the process by decreasing your blood pressure and increasing blood flow plus oxygen to the body. This effect to the body caused by the sub-zero temperatures aids in clearing toxins, decreasing muscle soreness and increasing endorphins.

Absolutely! Just let our team know so they can get you a towel to dry off any excess moisture prior to your session(s).

What should I wear?

All clothing must be DRY.

ZERO Metal of any kind (earrings, wedding rings, metal clasps) inside the cryo chamber. Metal will freeze against your skin resulting in injury. For men: shorts

Women: shorts and sports bra.

Please remove all jewelry before you enter the cryo room, you can use our changing room to prepare.

We do NOT allow nudity or people to go in their underwear inside the chamber


Men: shorts

Women: DRY Sports bra and shorts.

When should I NOT use full-body cryotherapy?

If any of the following apply or if you’re unsure for any reason, we recommend you don’t do cryotherapy and consult a doctor first.

  • Severe unmanaged hypertension
  • Pregnant
  • Heart attack within the past 6 months
  • Decompensating diseases (edema) of the cardiovascular and respiratory system
  • Congestive heart failure
  • COPD
  • Chronic liver disease
  • Unstable Angina Pectoris
  • Pacemaker
  • Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
  • Known circulatory dysfunction
  • Acute febrile respiratory (Flu like respiratory conditions)
  • Acute kidney and urinary tract diseases
  • Severe Anemia Cold Allergenic Phenomenon (known allergy to cold contactant)
  • Heavy consumerist diseases (abnormal bleeding)
  • Seizure disorders
  • Bacterial and viral infections of the skin
  • History of aneurisms
  • Sensitivity to the cold
  • High blood pressure
  • Respiratory issues
  • Bronchitis

When will I see results or improvement?

This varies from person to person. Usually, people feel increased endorphins right away, leaving you feel focused and recharged.

If you’re looking to see more physical changes, results are seen after about two weeks of regular treatments.

For targeted injuries that need immediate pain relief: 99% of our guests feel improvement right away on their local injury from our isolated cryotherapy spot treatment which senses the skin temperature and penetrates via -260 degrees, compared to the whole-body chamber which reaches at the top level of -220 degrees. Injury remedy is perfect for knee pain, neck pain, foot injuries, swelling, lower and upper back. There is a mode for each body part.

What if I’m claustrophobic?

The window rolls down and a technician will be standing there with you the whole time.

The chamber door does not lock, it has a magnetic strip so the guest can push it open from the inside themselves if needed. You are never locked inside.  

How should I decide to do full-body cryotherapy over injury remedy?

We highly recommend doing both on the same day. This is largely dependent on your reasons for doing cryotherapy. For instance, if you’re interested in cryotherapy to alleviate specific pain points then we’d recommend local cryotherapy treatments with a focus on the concerned area. Alternatively, if you’re interested in relieving all over muscle soreness plus increasing your energy levels then we’d recommend the full-body treatment

How long are Cryotherapy treatments?

 Depending on your level of experience it is 2-3 minutes per session.

Do I have to wear boots, gloves and face mask/earmuffs in the cryo chamber?

Yes, this is mandatory for your safety. The engineers and manufacturers of our arctic chamber require our guests to protect their extremities such as hands, feet, ears and mouth.

How much is a whole-body cryotherapy session?

Please check our pricing page on this website.

Why does my skin need to be dry for cryotherapy?

The moisture could freeze on your skin and cause damage/frostbite.

Is nitrogen safe?

Our chamber has zero nitrogen inside the chamber. A pipe pumps the nitrogen back out, leaving completely breathable air.

How old do you have to be to do whole body cryotherapy?

Our full body chamber has an age limit of 12 or older in order to be able to do cryotherapy. No exceptions.

Who uses cryotherapy?

All different types of people! People who suffer from pain, inflammation and various health issues. Elite athletes and pro-teams use cryotherapy for faster muscle and injury recovery. Weekend warriors use it to manage pain and inflammation, for an increase in energy, and stress-related conditions. Those who use it say they can train harder as a result. 

Cryotherapy is a fast and effective alternative to traditional ice baths. 

Even if you’re not an athlete, you could benefit from cryotherapy, too! Cryotherapy is great for those who have:

  • Depression or looking to improve mental wellbeing
  • Joint & muscle soreness
  • Chronic pain
  • Stress
  • Fatigue
  • Low libido

I’ve heard people use cryotherapy for anti-aging – is that true?

Yes! Several people, including A-list celebrities (whose job it is to look youthful) use cryotherapy as part of their anti-aging regimens since it helps with cellular regeneration, collagen production and circulation.

Once you leave the cryo chamber your newly enriched oxygenated blood courses through your body, which helps the body’s natural ability to produce collagen.

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body, found in muscles, bones, skin and tendons. It’s what makes our skin elastic (youthful!), strong and helps regenerate new skin cells. As we age, our collagen production slows down. Toxins like smoking and sun exposure also deplete collagen levels.

Is it safe?

Yes. The cryo machines are always operated and monitored by a trained staff member.  

Is cryotherapy the same as cryogenics?

No, cryotherapy is not preserving your body once you pass.

Does cryotherapy help you burn calories?

Studies have shown that cryotherapy helps burn 500-800 extra calories over the course of the day after one session.

Do I need to consult a doctor before doing cryotherapy?

Yes, we absolutely encourage you to talk to your doctor before partaking in any of our services.

Injury remedy FAQ

Why Injury remedy?

While whole-body cryotherapy triggers an internal systematic anti-inflammatory response, local cryo is a more powerful and efficient form of “icing.” Local cryotherapy is used to reduce pain, swelling and inflammation in specifically targeted areas.

Temperatures of localized cryo can reach as low as -260°F and treatments typically last for 4-10 minutes generating a high-intensity reaction called thermal shock. This technique stimulates the cutaneous receptors and acts on the body’s enzymes, vascular and lymphatic systems. Local cryotherapy fights worn-out, overworked and inflamed areas of the body by constricting blood vessels in specific areas to decrease pain and 

Can I do both full body cryo and injury remedy in the same day?

Yes! You can do injury remedy immediately after the full body chamber.

Injury remedy benefits:

  • Relieves pain immediately
  • Stops inflammatory crisis
  • Triggers immediate musclar relaxation
  • Lessens healing time following surgery
  • Decreases headaches and fatigue
  • Reduces swelling and edemas
  • Helps eliminate cellulite
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Rejuvenates the skin on a cellular level
  • Firms and tightens skin
  • Increases vitality of targeted areas

How long is a treatment?

4-10 min depending on the body part we are treating.

How many treatments are needed?

This is dependent on many factors such as if we are treating a nagging pain or a severe injury.

For severe injuries multiple treatments are often needed. If we are treating a nagging pain that comes and goes, guests will come in as needed when the pain resurfaces.

How fast will I feel results?

This varies greatly from person to person. Often there is immediate pain relief. Some guests feel improvement within a 8-24 hours of treatment and sometimes it takes more than one treatment before you feel improvement.

Is it painful?

Injury remedy is a painless experience. It’s similar to how traditional icing feels.

Skin FAQ

Natural Body Sculpting FAQ

Fire And Ice Remedy FAQ

Refresh Remedy FAQ

Infrared SAUNA FAQ

Yes!! Far infrared heat is a form of radiant energy. The sun is an example of the principal source of infrared radiant energy that we experience daily. All human bodies absorb, as well as emit, infrared radiant energy. Infrared Sauna heat emitters produce a specific bandwidth of radiant energy that matches the vibrational frequency of the human body. This process is also known as resonant absorption. No harmful UV rays are emitted.

Unlike traditional hot rock-based saunas that operate at well in excess of 200°F, infrared heat has the benefit of being effective at a much more comfortable temperature of 100°-150°F. Traditional saunas focus on heating the air as opposed to the body directly. This can make the experience uncomfortably hot and make breathing difficult rather than a pleasant detoxification and relaxation environment. Since infrared heat penetrates human tissue as opposed to simply heating the surface of the skin, infrared saunas are about seven times more effective than traditional saunas at detoxifying the body. By raising the body’s core temperature, infrared saunas can typically generate a sweat composed of 20% toxins vs. only 3% toxins in a traditional sauna. This equates to reduced inflammation in joints, helping to regenerate damaged tissues, increasing your metabolism. The increased core temperature also helps the immune system by weakening and killing bacteria, and viruses that are all susceptible to heat.

A typical recommended session will be about 25 to 50 minutes in duration. However, several factors will influence how long to stay in an infrared sauna with the most important factor being how your body is reacting to the sauna session. You should always listen to your body, and you do not want to overdo it by staying in the sauna for too long. If you’re a newcomer to infrared saunas, you should try a lower temperature and end your first few sessions after only 15 to 25 minutes. It is recommended that you gradually increase the temperature and duration of your sessions. It is important to always pay attention to your body and ensure it’s not giving you any warning signs like feeling faint, dizziness, lightheadedness or general discomfort. If any of these warnings arise, you should end your session immediately and focus on rehydrating yourself. If you ever start to feel as though your body is giving you warning signals, pay attention to them.

We will provide you a towel to cover up with. We provide robes (please request one if desired at the front desk)

The following can be worn:

  1. A towel
  2.  loose cotton shorts/sports bra
  3. loose cotton caftan or kimono. Anything loose and organic cotton free of dyes.  Your exposed skin will sweat more freely than if it is covered.

Our saunas each have their own private curtain. We do recommend removing jewelry and glasses.

You will have your own private sauna behind your own curtain.

The sauna room is a no talking zone. No cell phone conversations allowed. There is Bluetooth (please ask the staff to help you connect)

Please shower or wipe off. We ask that you please just be clean and dry when you enter the sauna and no shoes. Please make sure your feet are clean as well.

Staying hydrated is very important and we highly recommend being well hydrated prior to using the Infrared Sauna. As the body heat increases and the body begins to sweat, the loss of water can change the electrolyte concentration and can have harmful effects. Furthermore, as the toxins are released through the sweat, they are, to a lesser extent, released in the body and hydrating helps the body flush them out. As a result, we recommend hydrating well before, during, and after your sauna sessions.

Individuals who are using prescription drugs should seek the advice of their personal physician before scheduling a sauna session. There can be changes in a drug’s effects when the body is exposed to infrared waves or elevated body temperature. Diuretics, barbiturates, and beta-blockers may impair the body’s natural heat loss mechanisms. Anticholinergics such as amitriptyline may inhibit sweating and can bring on heat rash or heat stroke in more extreme situations. Some over-the-counter drugs, such as antihistamines, may also cause the body to be more prone to heat stroke.

We do not allow children to use saunas. Teenagers of thirteen and older may use the sauna if they have consulted a doctor and have their parent’s written consent and may require parental supervision.

Please keep in mind younger people’s core body temperature rises much faster than adults. This occurs due to a higher metabolic rate per body mass, limited circulatory adaptation to increased cardiac demands and the inability to regulate body temperature by sweating. For this reason, we do recommend the sauna be set to a lower temperature and the child use the sauna for no more than 15 minutes at a time.

Yes. However, our ability to maintain core body temperature does decrease with age primarily due to circulatory conditions and decreased sweat gland function. In order to safely reap the benefits of the infrared sauna, the body must be able to activate its natural cooling processes and be able to maintain its core body temperature. If you are elderly, we will recommend operating the sauna at a lower temperature and for no more than 15 minutes at a time.

We do not allow it at our facility. There can be concerns and complications if a mother raises her core temperature too much while pregnant.

The staff cleans the sauna diligently after every session. We use high quality, antimicrobial products to treat the sauna. The sauna will be very clean and sanitary for each session.

Metal pins, rods, artificial joints or any other surgical implants typically reflect infrared waves and are not heated by the sauna. However, we do recommend you contact your physician prior to using the infrared sauna if there are any concerns.

We offer the safest sauna available anywhere with Zero rated EMF far infrared carbon panel emitters. The Nano-Carbon infrared heating panels used are 97% efficient in producing the exact bandwidth of far infrared light/ heat that precisely matches the bio-frequency of the human body, which means maximum infrared energy absorption delivering more results in less time.

When the infrared light penetrates the body and converts to heat, this heat can melt the fats holding the toxins and activate detoxification mechanisms which then purge the toxins through the skin. Many of the toxins include mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, and more.

Spending time in an Infrared Sauna can increase the body’s temperature several degrees and can further weaken sick or diseased cells, which have a lowered resistance to heat. The heat also initiates the production of white blood cells and NK (Natural Killer) cells which seek out these weakened cells and bacteria and kill them. This results in a strengthened immune system. In similar fashion, a fever is a natural way for the body to increase its temperature to kill off these cells.

There is anecdotal evidence where people who have used the sauna say that their pain is significantly reduced or even eliminated. However, a lot of the research on this subject is focused on inflammation and arthritis. We do know that when muscle fibers are heated, inflammation is reduced, and the joint and muscle pain is reduced.

Research has shown that a 30-minute session in an Infrared Sauna can help a person to burn between 500-800 calories. Much of the weight that is lost directly in the sauna is water weight, which needs to be replenished with fresh water, but the calories that are burned will not be replenished with water and serve to increase a body’s metabolism. This increase in metabolism has many effects that help weight loss including increasing digestion function which efficiently converts the food you eat into energy.

There is research showing that the cardiovascular system is strengthened through repeated Infrared Sauna use. When the light penetrates the body and converts to heat, the hypothalamus responds and increases heart rate and volume. This is an effective way to train and condition the heart. The infrared light produces another effect which increases cardiovascular function. When the body increases heat, the fatty acids and cholesterols melt. Many of these fatty acids and cholesterols are hardening the arteries and keeping them from expanding and contracting as necessary for proper circulation. This hardening of the arteries causes the heart to work harder at circulating the blood and when the fatty acids and cholesterols melt, it increases the elasticity of the hardened arteries which takes much of the burden off the heart and, therefore, decreasing the chance for heart failure.

Research has shown, the Infrared Sauna has many salutary effects on the skin. Sebum is a waxy substance produced in the skin which can block pores and cause acne. Infrared light melts the sebum and unblocks the pores. Another effect the Infrared Sauna has is that it increases blood circulation to the skin which means that the body has the ability to deliver the necessary nutrients to the skin as well as remove the metabolic byproducts. The heat from the Infrared Sauna also has the detoxifying effect which purges the toxins from the skin as well as melts the cellulite trapped in pockets below the skin producing clean, smooth-looking skin. It also increases the healing of damaged tissues which causes scars and keloids to be reduced. You may also find some of the other effects on the skin are improvements with rashes, burns, eczema, and psoriasis.

Some conditions may be adversely affected using an Infrared Sauna. please consult with your physician before use if you have any of the following conditions: Adrenal suppression, SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematous), Multiple Sclerosis, Hyperthyroidism, Hemophilia, acute joint injuries, enclosed infections (dental, joints, tissue), artificial joints, metal pins, or any other implants, or during menstrual cycle. If at any point during your session in the Infrared Sauna you stop sweating, your skin becomes clammy, you feel weak, tired or nauseous, please leave the sauna immediately.


Exposing the body to extremely low temperatures within the cryotherapy chamber alerts your brain to pump more blood to your internal organs which causes vasoconstriction – in layman’s terms this means your blood vessels constrict causing your blood pressure to increase. As you exit the chamber, vasodilation happens which reverses the process by decreasing your blood pressure and increasing blood flow plus oxygen to the body. This effect to the body caused by the sub-zero temperatures aids in clearing toxins, decreasing muscle soreness and increasing endorphins.

Absolutely! Just let our team know so they can get you a towel to dry off any excess moisture prior to your session(s).

All clothing must be DRY.


ZERO Metal of any kind (earrings, wedding rings, metal clasps) inside the cryo chamber. Metal will freeze against your skin resulting in injury. For men: shorts


Women: shorts and sports bra.


Please remove all jewelry before you enter the cryo room, you can use our changing room to prepare.


We do NOT allow nudity or people to go in their underwear inside the chamber

Men: Shorts
Women: DRY Sports bra and shorts.

If any of the following apply or if you’re unsure for any reason, we recommend you don’t do cryotherapy and consult a doctor first.

  • Severe unmanaged hypertension
  • Pregnant
  • Heart attack within the past 6 months
  • Decompensating diseases (edema) of the cardiovascular and respiratory system
  • Congestive heart failure
  • COPD
  • Chronic liver disease
  • Unstable Angina Pectoris
  • Pacemaker
  • Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
  • Known circulatory dysfunction
  • Acute febrile respiratory (Flu like respiratory conditions)
  • Acute kidney and urinary tract diseases
  • Severe Anemia Cold Allergenic Phenomenon (known allergy to cold contactant)
  • Heavy consumerist diseases (abnormal bleeding)
  • Seizure disorders
  • Bacterial and viral infections of the skin
  • History of aneurisms
  • Sensitivity to the cold
  • High blood pressure
  • Respiratory issues
  • Bronchitis

This varies from person to person. Usually, people feel increased endorphins right away, leaving you feel focused and recharged.

If you’re looking to see more physical changes, results are seen after about two weeks of regular treatments.


For targeted injuries that need immediate pain relief: 99% of our guests feel improvement right away on their local injury from our isolated cryotherapy spot treatment which senses the skin temperature and penetrates via -260 degrees, compared to the whole-body chamber which reaches at the top level of -220 degrees. Injury remedy is perfect for knee pain, neck pain, foot injuries, swelling, lower and upper back. There is a mode for each body part.

The window rolls down and a technician will be standing there with you the whole time.

The chamber door does not lock, it has a magnetic strip so the guest can push it open from the inside themselves if needed. You are never locked inside.  

We highly recommend doing both on the same day. This is largely dependent on your reasons for doing cryotherapy. For instance, if you’re interested in cryotherapy to alleviate specific pain points then we’d recommend local cryotherapy treatments with a focus on the concerned area. Alternatively, if you’re interested in relieving all over muscle soreness plus increasing your energy levels then we’d recommend the full-body treatment

 Depending on your level of experience it is 2-3 minutes per session.

Yes, this is mandatory for your safety. The engineers and manufacturers of our arctic chamber require our guests to protect their extremities such as hands, feet, ears and mouth.

Please check our pricing page on this website.

The moisture could freeze on your skin and cause damage/frostbite.

Our chamber has zero nitrogen inside the chamber. A pipe pumps the nitrogen back out, leaving completely breathable air.

Our full body chamber has an age limit of 12 or older in order to be able to do cryotherapy. No exceptions.

All different types of people! People who suffer from pain, inflammation and various health issues. Elite athletes and pro-teams use cryotherapy for faster muscle and injury recovery. Weekend warriors use it to manage pain and inflammation, for an increase in energy, and stress-related conditions. Those who use it say they can train harder as a result. 

Cryotherapy is a fast and effective alternative to traditional ice baths. 

Even if you’re not an athlete, you could benefit from cryotherapy, too! Cryotherapy is great for those who have:

  • Depression or looking to improve mental wellbeing
  • Joint & muscle soreness
  • Chronic pain
  • Stress
  • Fatigue
  • Low libido

Yes! Several people, including A-list celebrities (whose job it is to look youthful) use cryotherapy as part of their anti-aging regimens since it helps with cellular regeneration, collagen production and circulation.

Once you leave the cryo chamber your newly enriched oxygenated blood courses through your body, which helps the body’s natural ability to produce collagen.

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body, found in muscles, bones, skin and tendons. It’s what makes our skin elastic (youthful!), strong and helps regenerate new skin cells. As we age, our collagen production slows down. Toxins like smoking and sun exposure also deplete collagen levels.

Yes. The cryo machines are always operated and monitored by a trained staff member.  

No, cryotherapy is not preserving your body once you pass.

Studies have shown that cryotherapy helps burn 500-800 extra calories over the course of the day after one session.

Yes, we absolutely encourage you to talk to your doctor before partaking in any of our services.

Injury Remedy FAQ

While whole-body cryotherapy triggers an internal systematic anti-inflammatory response, local cryo is a more powerful and efficient form of “icing.” Local cryotherapy is used to reduce pain, swelling and inflammation in specifically targeted areas.

Temperatures of localized cryo can reach as low as -260°F and treatments typically last for 4-10 minutes generating a high-intensity reaction called thermal shock. This technique stimulates the cutaneous receptors and acts on the body’s enzymes, vascular and lymphatic systems. Local cryotherapy fights worn-out, overworked and inflamed areas of the body by constricting blood vessels in specific areas to decrease pain.

Yes! You can do injury remedy immediately after the full body chamber.

Injury remedy benefits:

  • Relieves pain immediately
  • Stops inflammatory crisis
  • Triggers immediate musclar relaxation
  • Lessens healing time following surgery
  • Decreases headaches and fatigue
  • Reduces swelling and edemas
  • Helps eliminate cellulite
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Rejuvenates the skin on a cellular level
  • Firms and tightens skin
  • Increases vitality of targeted areas

4-10 min depending on the body part we are treating.

This is dependent on many factors such as if we are treating a nagging pain or a severe injury.

For severe injuries multiple treatments are often needed. If we are treating a nagging pain that comes and goes, guests will come in as needed when the pain resurfaces.

This varies greatly from person to person. Often there is immediate pain relief. Some guests feel improvement within a 8-24 hours of treatment and sometimes it takes more than one treatment before you feel improvement.

Injury remedy is a painless experience. It’s similar to how traditional icing feels.

Time remedy FAQ

The device is very safe. The cooling system is controlled by an electronic temperature sensor located in the processing head of the device and the temperature is controlled in real time by a curve and figures displayed in real time on the screen. In the event of a malfunction, the device alerts the operator by sounding a tone and displaying an error message.

You must fast for 2 hours before the chin slimming and you must fast 2 hours post treatment. Please drink plenty of water and hydrate

You must wait 1 month for botox to settle before you can do the time remedy with Cryoskin. You must wait 3 months to do the Cryoskin facelift if you have had fillers. This is because the cryoskin wand could potentially move the botox or fillers around. It is perfectly safe to do once you have waited the appropriate time.

There are few contraindications to treatment. But we must still be vigilant to some pathologies:

Raynaud's syndrome
Allergy to cold
Pregnant woman
Strong diabetes

If you are doing the facelift for anti-aging with no chin slimming, it is safe to do as frequently as every 2 days. But if you are doing chin slimming you must do one treatment every 2 weeks. Toning on the neck is safe to do every few days but slimming must be every 2 weeks.

If you are doing chin slimming you must wait 2 weeks between each treatment. This allows the fat and toxins to flush out through your lymphatic system. Toning on the neck is safe to do every few days but slimming must be every 2 weeks

The first results are generally visible from the first session and often very encouraging. However, it should be noted that the best results appear from 15 days to 3 weeks after the start of treatment and extend for several months after the end of treatment.

This varies per person, however we recommend 3-5 treatments for best results

Cryolipolysis is the use of below-zero temperatures to eliminate fat in the body whereas thermotherapy is the use of cold temperatures to rejuvenate and smooth the skin. Used for massaging the face and the body, CRYOSKIN delivers temperatures between -2°C to +4°C with the following effects: Accelerates biochemical reactions, increasing the oxygen and nutrient supply to the tissue, obtaining a draining effect. Stimulates the production of collagen, improving the elasticity of the skin. Firms muscles which retract with the cold. Lasts for several months with only a few sessions. The CRYOSKIN is the only device on the market offering facial rejuvenation treatments.

18 years or older

When we sell a Cryoskin session or package, we invest the revenue into Cryoskin supplies and payroll in order to supply the purchased service. Because of this, all sales are final, no returns, exchanges or refunds.

Cryoskin FAQ

A common question we get here at True North, is “How is Cryoskin different from CoolSculpting?” Both treatments use a “fat-freezing” method called cryolipolysis to destroy fat cells. The main differences are how the treatment is applied to your body, the price and the comfort level of the client.


The CoolSculpting device has applicators that look like the nozzle of a vacuum cleaner, and when applied to the targeted area, administer suction and cooling. This process can take 1-3 hours and can be very painful, often causing feelings of pulling and pinching during the treatment. Some of the side effects include, redness, bruising, sensitive skin, stretched skin, numbness, and skin deformation. This treatment produces something called “the CoolSculpting butter stick (that is what is pictured in our comparison photo). Results can be visible and measurable in 3-4 months, requiring multiple sessions to achieve this.


Cryoskin is faster, more effective and more customizable, and it’s important to note that it costs at least 50% less than CoolSculpting. The device uses a wand that glides over the targeted areas and is quick, painless and offers measurable results after just one treatment. Treatments take anywhere from 20 to 34 minutes.


The Cryoskin machine not only performs slimming treatments to freeze and destroy fat cells but does toning treatments and facials as well that lift the skin to tighten, smooth and shape the skin and reduce cellulite by increasing elastin and collagen production. These sessions also address loose or sagging skin from normal aging or weight loss, fine lines, wrinkles and saggy skin. Facials can also help to restore youthful volume, reduce inflammation caused by several skin disorders and help to shrink oversized pores. Toning of women’s neck/cleavage area tightens skin and promotes collagen production. The fresh supply of collagen keeps the neck and cleavage looking smooth and youthful. You can even reduce the appearance of a double chin in just 14 minutes.

Cryoskin is not just for people looking to lose inches, but also for those wanting to tone and sculpt for a photo shoot, wedding or other important life events.

Please DO NOT EAT or DRINK any sugar, foods that contain sugar or carbohydrates that convert into sugar (i.e., fruit, juices, white bread, white rice, pasta, etc.) 2 hours prior to your appointment time. Fasting for 2 hours prior to appointment is required before body slimming or chin slimming appointments.


Avoid working out or doing anything that increases your body temperature at least ONE hour before your session.


Within 8 hours prior to your appointment, consume at least 64 ounces of water.


Within 12 hours after your appointment, consume an additional 64 ounces of water.


Please arrive 5 minutes before your scheduled appointment time. We allow a 5 min grace period. If you arrive later than 5 minutes, we will need to reschedule your appointment as we have a strict schedule. We have a 24hr cancellation policy for CryoSkin to change or cancel a treatment, otherwise there is a $99 fee.


You will need to fast for 2 hours after your slimming treatment, but don’t forget to drink lots of water.


For 3 days after your slimming treatment avoid saunas and hot tubs.

The device is very safe. The cooling system is controlled by an electronic temperature sensor located in the processing head of the device and the temperature is controlled in real time by a curve and figures displayed in real time on the screen. In the event of a malfunction, the device alerts the operator by sounding a tone and displaying an error message.

The best way to define a session is it is always advisable to treat on the upper OR lower body in a session. For example, legs is one session, or love handles is one session.

The machine itself functions by a Peltier effect (thermoelectric cooling) regulated by a hydraulic system which ensures a very high inertia which is necessary for the correct application of the treatment in a minimum amount of time. These characteristics, which are very difficult to obtain, make it possible to enact a very rapid cooling of the fat tissues while avoiding the risk of lesions of the skin tissue due to an application that is too long. The principle of the treatment is to lower the temperature of the fat cells enough to cause what is called the phenomenon of apoptosis. This phenomenon is triggered when the temperature of the fat tissues is between 17° and 12° and consists of a self-programming of the death of these cells. 

The major benefit sought is a large decrease in fat mass. Subjects tested were measured and received results of between 15% and 40% which was visualized by CT scans. On the other hand, it must not be forgotten that the apparatus is not only capable of emitting cold but also of heat and of causing the two to alternate, thus causing "thermal shock". This method of thermal shock is medically recognized to be particularly restorative for tissues by a significant increase of local microcirculation and collagen.

The feeling is rather pleasant at the start of the treatment, which is generally done with a short period of skin warming and a gradual but rapid decrease of the temperature. At the end of the treatment, the thermal shock appears very quickly, which gives a feeling of warmth and lightness at the same time. 

There are few contraindications to treatment. But we must still be vigilant to some pathologies:


Raynaud's syndrome


Allergy to cold


Pregnant woman


Strong diabetes



The usual frequency is 1 treatment every 15 days (for slimming treatments). There is a physiological reason for this: when apoptosis occurs and fat cells die, waste is formed. This will be eliminated by natural routes (blood, lymphatic system, and then urine). Metabolism must, therefore, be allowed to evacuate this waste without overloading the circuits.

Toning treatments can be performed once every few days.

If you are doing the facelift for anti-aging with no chin slimming, it is safe to do as frequently as every 2 days. But if you are doing chin slimming you must do one treatment every 2 weeks. Toning on the neck is safe to do every few days but slimming must be every 2 weeks.

The first results are generally visible from the first session and often very encouraging. However, it should be noted that the best results appear from 15 days to 3 weeks after the start of treatment and extend for several months after the end of treatment.

Nothing. If anything, the best possible diet and lifestyle to accompany the treatments (drink plenty of water in particular). And don’t forget to fast if you are doing any slimming treatments!

Our address is 507 pier avenue, Hermosa Beach.

READ SIGNS FOR RULES AND REGULATIONS. True North Cryo is not responsible for theft, damage, parking tickets and towing of its patrons.


There is lots of parking, you just need to know where to look! Here are your options:


  1. There is metered parking out in front of our studio.


  1. Behind our building we have 3 parking spots allocated for guests. Take the side street to back of the building, look for the red signs that say True North Cryo and then walk around the building to front entrance.


  1. In addition, there is free public parking ACROSS THE STREET AT CITY HALL. Here is the address.


City hall ADDRESS:1315 Valley Drive
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254


There is parking at community center

  1. 710 Pier Avenue
    Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
  2. Other Information: No Parking 2 AM - 6 AM Daily. No tractors, trailers, trucks in excess of 2 tons, boats, boat trailers or motor homes

It is very common that there is a loss of weight during the treatment. This is due both to the loss of fat mass but also to the drainage techniques (exercise, etc) and the diet and lifestyle required.

There are other manual cryotherapy machines. But tests and experience have shown that no other machine is currently capable of an inertia as strong as the Cryoskin. This inertia is due to the fact that the device does produce cold. It works by heat exchange with the body and the ability to descend very strongly and very quickly the temperature of the tissues by absorption of calories, accumulation of calories and evacuation by a system equipped with a ventilated hydraulic radiator.

Depending on the individual and depending also on their lifestyle and diet, the results last several months or several years. It is advisable to practice 2 or 3 sessions 6 months after the end of treatment to maintain results.

Cryolipolysis is the use of below-zero temperatures to eliminate fat in the body whereas thermotherapy is the use of cold temperatures to rejuvenate and smooth the skin. Used for massaging the face and the body, CRYOSKIN delivers temperatures between -2°C to +4°C with the following effects:

Accelerates biochemical reactions, increasing the oxygen and nutrient supply to the tissue, obtaining a draining effect.

Stimulates the production of collagen, improving the elasticity of the skin.

Firms muscles which retract with the cold.

Lasts for several months with only a few sessions.

The CRYOSKIN is the only device on the market offering facial rejuvenation treatments.

15 years or older.

The gel has been specially designed to retain all its qualities of gliding and protection from -30 ° up to + 60 °. Apart from the fact that the treatment head will have difficulty sliding on the skin, the heat and especially the cold will be much less penetrating and the risks of spontaneous freezing of the water contained in the surface tissues will be increased, therefore increasing the risk of alteration of these tissues. The treatment will thus be much less effective and much less pleasant or even unpleasant. The results will not be there, and this is one of the few causes of failure.

The treatment causes vasodilation in the blood vessels. This increases blood flow which results in increased collagen production. Collagen helps to break down cellulite.

No. Unless you cover the wound with some sort of plaster. The reason for this is not to pass bodily fluid onto the Wand. If you cover the wound, then treat through the cover the treatment should help to heal due to increased blood flow to the area.

It’s best to wait 1 week after these treatments to make sure the treated areas are fully healed.

To get the best results following a Cryoskin session, you should not eat sugar 2 hours before and after the session. The reason is sugar is a strong power source for fat cells. It’s factual, all nutritionists would attest that to succeed a diet slimming, sugar is the first thing to stop. As you know, the cold weakens and retracts the adipocyte but if you eat sugar, that will give it back immediate energy so the apoptosis effect will be less efficient or even could be canceled. Be careful, when we talk about sugar, we talk about all kind of sugars as slow sugar (pasta, rice, bread, cereals…) and of course fast-acting sugar. If possible, the client could avoid all kind of sugar for 4/5 hours before and after the Cryoskin session but it’s a maximum. 2 hours is the usual recommended time to get results.

When we sell a Cryoskin session or package, we invest the revenue into Cryoskin supplies and payroll in order to supply the purchased service. Because of this, all sales are final, no returns, exchanges or refunds.

Please make sure you dry completely off and remove any sweat from your body before entering chamber

Refresh Remedy FAQ

By exposing the face to cryogenically cooled air, you will produce more collagen reducing the signs of aging. It also helps with jaw pain, acne and reduces puffiness around the eyes. It will wake up your face.

After one professional treatment, results are pretty immediate and may even peak over the course of a couple of days, tapering out at the one-week mark or so. To see longer-lasting benefits, you’ll have to keep up with regular treatments for at least a few months

There’s no hard and fast rule on this, but most spas recommend starting strong with 5-10 treatments in the first month, then following with maintenance appointments once or twice a month.

Once you have been checked in, we offer 5 and 10 minute treatments. There little to no downtime after your cryo facial. You will be refreshed and ready to return to your day! Some clients may experience a slight rosiness immediately after their cryo facial, but this will diminish within 15 minutes.

Normatec FAQ

To receive the full benefits of NormaTec compression therapy, we suggest using it for approximately 30 minutes.

During your compression therapy session at True North, you will have the sensation of a very tight squeeze that works its way up the chambers of the device you’re using (arms or legs). It’s very relaxing, much like a massage, as it soothes your sore and tired muscles

Leggings, joggers. Comfortable yet tight-fitting clothes are best. If your clothes are too loose, as the device compresses, the fabric can bunch and be uncomfortable. Jeans are NOT recommended.

You can use Compression Therapy before or after exercise, for routine training or high-level competition.

Our address is 507 pier avenue, Hermosa Beach.

READ SIGNS FOR RULES AND REGULATIONS. True North Cryo is not responsible for theft, damage, parking tickets and towing of its patrons.


There is lots of parking, you just need to know where to look! Here are your options:


  1. There is metered parking out in front of our studio.
  2. Behind our building we have 3 parking spots allocated for guests. Take the side street to back of the building, look for the red signs that say True North Cryo and then walk around the building to front entrance.
  3. In addition, there is free public parking ACROSS THE STREET AT CITY HALL. Here is the address.


City hall ADDRESS:1315 Valley Drive
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254


There is parking at community center

  1. 710 Pier Avenue
    Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
  2. Other Information: No Parking 2 AM - 6 AM Daily. No tractors, trailers, trucks in excess of 2 tons, boats, boat trailers or motor homes

No, we offer single treatments and packages as well as memberships.

You may walk in or call.


We require a 30 day cancellation notice. If you do not receive confirmation from us that we have received your cancellation within 5 business days (non holiday) please email again. Cancellations are not valid without cancellation receipt.


We recommend stopping by to sign up for a membership and receive a tour. You are also free to sign up through our website!

Each membership has a commitment period. Once that commitment is fulfilled you may cancel in writing to

All cancellations must be submitted 30 days before your next charge date. If you forget to cancel, you will not be refunded but you can use the credits you paid for up to 60 days worth of credits for cryo and sauna memberships. Anything over 60 days will not be honored. For cryoskin memberships you will be able to use all credits you paid for.

We require a 30 day cancellation notice. If you do not receive confirmation from us that we have received your cancellation within 5 business days (non holiday) please email again. Cancellations are not valid without cancellation receipt.

There are no refunds or exchanges on any services. All sales are final. 

Yes, they are designed as most standard subscription-based memberships like a gym membership. Once you sign up, the membership automatically renews each month until cancelled in writing.

Please be kind to staff and wait your turn in the lobby and do not crowd (thank you helping us maintain social distancing)

We do our best to stay on time with reservations, but we cannot control how long people take to do their cryo. Many of our guests have disabilities and need extra care. Please be patient.

Book a free session