Body Sculpting


Cryoskin uses science that works with your body’s natural systems. The “Peltier effect” gives Cryoskin precise temperature control, creating the perfect conditions to destroy fat cells without damaging surrounding tissue.

No Discomfort

Cryoskin has all the fat loss benefits without the horrible side effects. This treatment is known to be comfortable– even relaxing!

No Skin Damage

Cryoskin heating and cooling effect has been found to increase oxygen supply, aiding collagen production. What does that mean for you? No damage, just smoother skin and a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles.

No Recovery Time

Cryoskin sessions last 20 – 30 minutes, fitting around you and your lifestyle. You won’t need time off for recovery. In fact, Cryoskin 2.0 is so convenient, you can even have a session during your lunch break!

All sales are final for cryoskin – no refunds or returns.

The Treatments


Lose inches by killing fat cells

The Science Behind the Treatment

CryoSlim destroys fat cells rapidly and permanently. The Cryoskin machine is capable of causing thermal shock due to its ability to alternate rapidly between periods of skin warming and cooling. First the heat is applied for 2 minutes on the treatment area. Heating allows for the fat cells to rise to the surface which are then quickly targeted during the 12 minute cold treatment of each area.

What You Can Expect:

For most customers results are seen immediately and up to 2” of fat can be lost in a single session.

3-6 sessions are recommended for best results


For cellulite and skin tightening

The Science Behind the Treatment

The CryoToning treatment only uses cold temperatures – the cold creates vasodilation in the treated area. This increases the production of collagen which helps to break down cellulite. NOTE: cellulite may return if there are no changes in diet or exercise.

What You Can Expect:

Results shown to last for 4-5 weeks after the end of the treatment

Looks best the following few days after treatment ends

3-6 sessions are recommended for best results


The Science Behind the Treatment

Using a combination of slimming and toning this treatment lifts, slims and tightens and the booty. 5 sessions recommended for optimal results.

The Science

It’s a proven biological process. Backed by science.

The Peltier Effect gives CryoSkin precise temperature control creating the perfect conditions to reduce fat without damaging the surrounding tissue.

The body calls on the lymphatic system to send macrophages (large white blood cells) to come and ‘eat-up’ the fat debris after the cold temperature has destroyed the fat cell.

Some slimming services can damage your skin. CryoSkin is completely non-invasive and uses science that works with your body’s natural systems. That’s why your CryoSlimming® treatments will be every 2 weeks, to ensure your body’s lymphatic system has time to recover leaving you to look and feel amazing.


Cold temperatures, when applied to fat cells, trigger apoptosis – also known as “programmed cell death” – a process which occurs naturally in the body all the time. With the application of sub-zero temperatures, CryoSlimming® is able to induce apoptosis to target fat cells and eliminate body fat. We use this science to achieve incredible results.

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