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Portfolio Projects


We get it.
Your time in the gym is your time.

Nothing beats the feeling of putting on your favorite playlist, turning it up loud, focusing on you and your goals, and getting after it -uninterrupted.

StrengthF1RST Remote Coaching offers clients all the benefits of a thoughtfully designed fitness protocol, including individually tailored workouts and one-on-one feedback and accountability, all while still allowing them the freedom of training on their own.

By combining the miracles of modern technology with the tried and true StrengthF1RST approach, our Remote Coaching clients get to move confidently knowing that their Coach will be with them every step of the way.

Price: $100/Month


Having someone oversee your programming is great, but having someone by your side to teach you the nuance of moving perfectly, that’s even better.

The StrengthF1RST in-person coaching experience guarantees clients the greatest possible return on their invested time and money.

Whether you’re checking in once a week, or starting every day with a StrengthF1RST Coach, you can be confident that your workouts will be made better with their oversight and support.

Session Packages

The Birthday Gift - 5 Sessions: $325

The Training Cycle - 8 Sessions: $480

The Lifer - 25 Sessions: $1375

The Lifer - 25 Sessions: $1375


Having someone oversee your programming is great, having someone watch each and every rep to make sure you’re getting the greatest possible return for your invested time (and money)… that’s even better!
The StrenghtF1RST in-person coaching experience is our bread and butter, and offers our community an opportunity to really fine tune their movement and mentality by working 1-on1 with our coaches. Whether you’re just checking in once a week during your training cycle, or starting every day with a StrengthF1RST Coach, you can  be confident that your workouts will be made better with their oversight + support!

Session Packages:

“The Birthday Gift”:

5 Sessions = $325CAD

“The Training Cycle”:
8 Sessions = $480CAD“

The Lifer”:
25 Sessions = $1375CAD

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The Best Solution for Your Fitness Projects

Qualitative Workouts with Unlimited Possibilities