Owner + Head Coach

Over the last ten years, most of my time has been spent in a gym.

Along the way I realized that current training solutions focus a lot on what you should be, the space that you occupy, and (if you’re lucky) the ways you’re moving about it.

I was surprised to realize that they focus very little on why you should be training in the first place.

StrengthF1RST was created in response to that absence of purpose, with the goal of reconnecting individuals with an understanding for how and why they should be training.

Our Remote + In-Person coaching programs educate clients on the best practices for bringing about genuine, long term results. The programming and support that we provide directs each client’s attention towards mastering the mandatory minimum efforts that make up their  incremental progress, and in doing so, we set them down a path towards doing more, and being better.

As a byproduct of their practiced discipline and self-awareness, they gain access to the kind of work capacity and capability that is required for them to interact with their lives more positively and intentionally.

My number one priority when working with any client from any demographic is to help them learn what it means to be acting in service of their future selves.

I hope that each time you put on one of our products, complete one of our workouts, or see some of our content, that you reaffirm your commitment to yourself.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”

– Will Durant





Science & Balance

Weight Loss

Body Stretching

Lifestyle Fitness


Power Workouts