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Are you wondering how to get more blog followers? If I was to start a blog again, I would have done many things differently. I wasted a lot of time, but I also implemented a few great strategies. 

In this article, I will give you a series of tips that bloggers do to get more followers. Make sure to treat these tips as a whole – they come in a package. 

1 – Network Network Network

What do you do the first week of your new job? You try to meet all of the like-minded people in the firm, make new friends, and find your “power group.”

The same principle applies to blogging. 

LinkedIn can be a great place to start, as it’s easy to find similar content creators and the focus of the platform is already on business. 

2 – Build A Brand

A lot of bloggers tend to forget this, but building a brand should be the first thing you do when you decide to become a blogger. 

In building a brand, choose a niche that represents topics you’re passionate about and that are profitable, create a brand name, design a logo, and splash your branding everywhere!

As a result of doing this, you allow similar creators to find you and network with you.

3 – Understand Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to make passive income through blogging. It’s also a great way to create a relationship with your current and potential customers.

Placing links to products that you believe your clients would be interested in throughout your posts is a great starting point. It will teach you how to rewrite your blogs and make them much more professional. 

4 – Create Click-Worthy Content

This could very well be the most important blogging point of all. If you don’t create interesting content, nobody will stick around and continue to read your posts. 

In order to do this, my best tip is to write about what your target audience would want to hear. When you write, imagine that you’re speaking directly to one person. Ask yourself what that person would want to know and what you would want to tell them. 

Other than that, you can browse through Pinterest, Google Keyword Planner, and other SEO keyword ranking tools to find keywords that you may rank for. 

5 – Guest Posts & Interviews

Guest posts can be crucial when you’re first starting out. The reason why most bloggers shy away from it, however, is because it trades financial payment for exposure. 

When you do write a guest post, come up with a snappy bio that you can place on the guest authority’s website. This should direct readers towards your content. 

6 – Build A Social Media Community

Followers don’t equate to engagement, but showing unique content throughout social media can boost your blog viewership. 

Similar to other points, starting a social media page and building a community is a great way to network with other creators and find even more people who may be interested in your content. 

The Bottom Line

There are hundreds of tactics you can use to become a better blogger, but none will be as effective as consistently posting great content.

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