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Choosing the right management style for your business/organization should be one of your top priorities. To do so, you should first be aware of the different types of management out there, as well as how and when to use them.

Throughout time, humans have adapted a wide range of views, and experimented with multiple types of hierarchal and non-hierarchal leadership.

In the past, autocratic leadership was more common than it is during our current days. Today, many other styles exist, and it seems we are adopting a democratic style more often than before.

We saw people in leadership positions take on the roles of tyrants or prosecutors. But, in the modern world, people who were unable to let go of their overly controlling ways have adopted an autocratic style. This made it easier for them to hold onto their tendencies but evolve with the times.

This has taken on different forms. We’ve had Authoritative Management, Persuasive Management, and Paternalistic Management around for some time now. When put in contrast with Laissez-Fair style (which roughly translates to “leave it alone”), we see that we’re almost looking at two extremes. The Laissez-Faire style of management rarely offers employees any direction or help.

What happens when you adopt a Laissez-Fair Management Style?

In short, for this method to succeed, so much focus has to be put on talent management. To accomplish this, recruiting and maintaining employees who hold intersectional skills is a must. The reason this is so important is because this style uses effective delegation. This means as soon as you have the best individuals on your team, you shouldn’t have to micromanage individuals and follow up with their process every step of the way. Rather, each employee takes on the responsibility of making decisions in regards to work, without much direction from the manager. This style has its perks and downsides. There is something to keep in mind however. If Laissez-Faire isn’t paired with the right talent management arrangement, it may not lead to positive results.

Bottom line is, extremes never showed to be successful. That is why we suggest more strategic and carefully crafted methods. These personalized methods have been adopted by many organization due to its success! To read more about successful management styles, check out our previous blogs!

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