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There are a lot of people out there who want to become YouTubers because it brings money and fame. If those are your two underlying reasons for getting on YouTube, you’ve already failed.

Instead, understand that you’re joining this platform as a creator; an inspirer; a teacher. Above all, your job is to create content that helps your subscribers improve their lives in some specific way related to your niche.

That means that you have to hustle, be consistent, and be optimistic. I firmly believe that anyone who devotes enough time towards their dreams can turn those dreams into a reality.

Here is the exact method I used to go from 0-1000 subscribers.

1 – Find Your Niche

Firstly, I believe that all of your videos should be relatable to each other and that some random person should be able to come across your videos and get a general sense of what your channel is about.

2 – Find Similar Channels

Everybody is inspired by somebody, that is a given. When you’re just starting out on YouTube, it’s a good idea to start emulating the people you admire.

Doing this gives you a great foundation for learning how to create content. It is also a very clever way of helping you find your own voice.

As you make your emulated videos, you begin to understand what you like and dislike. You then carry those lessons into the next video you make, repeating until you’ve crafted your own unique voice.

3 – Take A Trip To Your Similar Channels’ Comment Sections

Now, we get into the juicy parts of your YouTube growth.

The main way to grow your subscribers is through spending a few hours every single day commenting on other channels that are similar to yours.

Do not do a follow-for-follow system.

Instead, choose the first 50 comments whose channels had videos, watch 30 seconds of each of their most recent videos, and leave a genuinely insightful/motivational comment on that video.

In total, each watch/comment should take about 1-2 minutes, which means that a daily session of engaging should roughly take 50-80 minutes.

I know that this may sound like a lot of time to you, but if you want to get your channel off the ground, this is a really great way to start.

The schedule I’d advise is as follows:

  • Devote 50-80 minutes every night to commenting on other peoples’ channels.
  • Leave insightful comments that are specific to their video and always be genuine.
  • Drop a sentence about yourself to let them know why you’re on their channel.
  • Go to the next video.

If you do this right, you should get between 10-12 subscribers per day, and ultimately hit about 1000 in 3 months.

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