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It’s widely said that the key to growth on social media is consistency, but it can be hard to be consistently consistent, especially when you have other priorities lined up.

One of the ways to eliminate your inconsistency is by continuously being able to churn out great content ideas. The easier it is to come up with an idea, the more motivated you are to create, and the more consistent you’ll be.

Even though that may be easier said than done, you don’t have to be a superhuman to figure it out. The way that you develop the ability to consistently create new ideas is through reframing your attitude and daily habits. Put yourself in the position to become creative, and you will become creative. It’s as simple as that.

Here are 2 ways that you can develop new ideas when you run out of them. Consider not only using these in crisis mode but also as daily habits to become consistently consistent.

1 – Your Past Failures & Successes

A great way to find inspiration for content is actually through your own downfalls and successes. These experiences usually also make for the best content, because they’re based on raw emotion.

One of the best pieces I ever wrote actually happened at a time when I ran out of content ideas. It was about a very personal experience that just so happened to be very relatable to many others.

Focusing on a personal experience not only helps to come up with many new ideas for various sorts of content, but it also can also result in some of your best success stories.

2 – Remix Your Old Ideas

Finally, the last option that you can take here is to remix some of your old posts. If you’ve been creating for a while, this shouldn’t be hard. If you haven’t, I have an idea for you.

Compare and contrast a time when your actions contradicted your thoughts. Trying to come up with an answer to this question can lead to a lot of creative outflows.

I’d suggest writing your thoughts down as you go – you may wind up with multiple broken pieces of ideas – combine them to form your next piece of content.

If you have previous pieces of content, consider updating them so that they’re relevant in the present moment or elaborate on an old article that you may not necessarily agree with anymore.

The Bottom Line

The easiest way to never run out of ideas is to constantly push yourself to reflect on your past, present, and future experiences. In order to do this, you need to reframe your attitude towards putting out content. Build habits that allow you to express your creativity on a daily basis and then keep track of every time you think about something interesting.

If you can do that, I guarantee that you’ll never have a hard time looking for your next idea again.

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