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It’s absolutely mind-blowing the impact social media has made on the way we communicate and exchange information today. Whereas people needed to make vigorous efforts to find answers in every domain, they’re now only a click away. Health issues and awareness are some of the most required subjects among social media users. But is social media playing a positive role in raising health awareness?


Social media plays a key role in keeping the public informed of the latest global news. The most credible medical and healthcare entities are using social media to deliver reliable information regarding health issues. And it’s not only the layman but also healthcare workers who rely on the internet to stay updated.


A lot of credible sources of health information have found the internet the perfect medium for spreading the word about health issues. Although the less to not-credible sources do exist, you can still find a reliable answer if you know where to look. Healthcare providers can be addressed easily through their social media accounts to provide answers to health-related questions


With the world becoming a small village, and as fast as a juicy piece of news can be spread, health news is no longer confined to the medical society. Rather, it has become public information, like our lingering guest Covid-19 is one perfect example. Health care providers are now able to reach individuals in the most effective way to share knowledge. Providing trustworthy advice, and all in all raising healthcare awareness in societies.


And many there are!

Although social media can be a terrifying way to spread inaccurate and fake news, reliable information resources still prove to be a significant way to stop the communication of outdated medical knowledge and correcting misinformation. This benefit is specifically important in less developed countries where people still heavily rely on traditional medicine. Using the popularity of social media platforms is the smartest way to deliver reliable information.

Social media’s role in growing health awareness is subject to the way healthcare providers use this effective tool in delivering information, and the way its users are using it.

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