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Amid this crisis, there has been a lot of talk that the coronavirus could inflict emotional trauma. Based on previous research, experts are warning that millions of people will struggle with psychological disorders.

It is crucial to keep in mind that everyone responds differently to each specific situation, especially to a critical one like now. Some may be feeling angry, anxious, or alarmed, and some may be taking it day by day.

In addition to the stressful circumstances, thousands of employees are working from home to minimize the spread of the virus, which could be disruptive to many. It is critical to come together and check-in with one another, guide each other and respect each other’s capabilities during the time of a global crisis.

Here is a list of 3 essential practices that leaders should implement to help employees cope with stress, anxiety, and loneliness during a crisis.


Creating a schedule is extremely beneficial when every day is unpredictable, not only for productivity but most importantly for mental health.

Book time slots to connect as a group to promote and encourage frequent virtual social interactions. This will give workers a virtual in-person experience of which resembles the “real thing”. This is an excellent method to evaluate the physical and mental well-being of each person. It will also give you the chance to take matters into your own hands, and if needed, recommend your employees to seek professional help.

In addition, leaders should think about sending an encouraging email every morning with updates on the company’s progress and issues. In a time like this, leaving things up in the air can generate a lot of anxiety. Therefore, receiving updates will relieve stress, since it will show what part of their work is functioning well and what needs to be resolved. This will also help to better target certain aspects to fulfill their responsibilities and meet the goals.


Although your employees have been around for a while, training should still be a priority during the switch to remote work. Keep in mind that not everyone is tech-savvy and some might need you to go the extra mile.

Training can help workers adjust to their new work environment and reduce stress levels. Moreover, training programs will guide your employees to organize their responsibilities and tasks.

Leading in an unsystematic way can trigger a loss of control for some and feed their anxiety. Hence, instruction and coaching will reinforce structure and consistency, which is what employees need during a stressful and ever-changing time.


For a while now, companies have seen the advantages of mindfulness practices and physical activities in the workforce. Activities like yoga, meditation, and even the gym can increase productivity and just the overall well-being of an individual.

Part of being a good leader during a crisis is to make sure that your employees have not neglected their hobbies. To make sure that your leadership skills are up to par, try to organize a virtual yoga class or any other type of activity to do all together. Your encouragement will uplift and motivate the group, without a doubt.

By showing that there are common feelings of loneliness and that group classes can somewhat help soothe these feelings. Your employees will automatically have a change of heart because they will have someone who they can relate to. Several team members will make the effort to take part in your planned virtual events to boost their overall mental and physical health.

Leaders, your team needs you now—make the difference!

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