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Most organizations in today’s world have taken a more progressive path, and management is no exception. We see more and more default “democratic” behavior wherever we turn our heads, whether we realize it or not. Obviously, we can see that in leadership styles as well. However, “democratic” can be a complicated term that is more nuanced than people may realize. What is your management style? If you don’t know, don’t worry! We’re here to clear things up; we’ll be covering 5 different types of management styles’ pros & cons to inspire a more specific approach suitable for your company’s needs:

Consultatory Management

  • Overview: In this management style, the manager makes the final decision. However, as the title suggests, only after consulting the team members for feedback, concerns, and questions. This style is usually used when the manager is working with a team of experts on the subject and requires their input to make a fully informed decision.
  • Pros: By consulting with the team on a regular basis, there is a trust built between the management and staff. Both are growing together; management is learning from the team’s expertise, and the staff is aware of logistics and behind the scenes of decision making.
  • Cons: If the management team does not conduct the consultation properly it may cause complications. This process is also more time consuming. One worry is trying to please everyone. It may also cause internal issues if management develops favoritism towards certain team members. Check our Harvard Business Review’s piece on how to avoid favoristism so it doesn’t become an issue!

Participative Management

  • Overview: For this strategy, the staff know more about the goals and objectives of the company and are active contributors when it comes to making decisions. They work in collaboration with management to brainstorm solutions. Try to use the style to implement major changes to an organization whose employees are resistant to new concepts.  Making them feel engaged in the process will lead to positive attitudes and save you from trouble.
  • Pros: When the staff feels connected to the vision of their organization, they will tend to work together and inspire each other. This will result in a healthier work environment where the employees actually care about the well-being of their organization.
  • Cons: If management does not have great time-management skills, it can be easy for ideas to get lost and for time to be wasted. Additionally, having so much information about the organization is a sensitive issue and can lead to negative consequences if used incorrectly.

Collaborative Management

  • Overview: Try to use this style when your organization wants to maximize creativity and engagement. Holding meetings that are especially dedicated to discussing future steps, campaigns, or problem-solving is a good way to implement this style.
  • Pros: When employees feel like they have a real say, they are more likely to produce good quality work. Therefore, it is easier to come up with strategies that are in the best interest of the organization.
  • Cons: Although democratic management sounds very tempting, not all employees are usually excited about taking part in the process. Additionally, if and when the bigger staff personalities start taking over the discussion table, other employees with great ideas may be intimidated and reserved.

Transformational Management

  • Overview: This management style is goal-oriented and growth-focused. Managers here are always pushing their employees to work harder and achieve great results. Try to use this style if you are looking to become more flexible and innovative, especially when there is change in the future of the onganization.
  • Pros: This strategy leads employees to enhance their skills by working under pressure. They will automatically develop their time-management, creative thinking, and problem-solving skills.
  • Cons: When using this management style, one should be careful not to keep the staff under constant pressure. This hustle culture can burn out all that they have to offer and cause a reverse effect instead.

Coaching Management

  • Overview: In this strategy, managers coach their staff as valued members of their team. It costs a lot of time and money to find the right candidates, which makes it easier sometimes to train newly hired employees to match the expectations. In this management style, managers guide their employees and encourage their long-term development.
  • Pros: By implementing this mentor-mentee relationship, staff are more likely to feel comfortable making mistakes and actively learn from them. When staff feels valued and cared for, they will automatically put forth their best work for their “coach.”
  • Cons: Coaching with a long-term plan towards a broad vision is not always the best because it can lead to overlooking important details.

By implementing the appropriate management style, you are making the most out of your and your staff’s experiences as well as maintaining a healthy work environment. If you haven’t checked out our other blogs on management, click here! Be sure to stay tuned for our upcoming blog on the different types of autocratic management styles.

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